[libvirt] [test-API] Delete the script to generate the testing coverage statistics

Guannan Ren gren at redhat.com
Wed Apr 18 07:13:35 UTC 2012

On 04/18/2012 12:23 AM, Osier Yang wrote:
> lib/*.py were destroyed. And there is no way to count the API
> coverage now.
> ---
> I tried to write a rough patch to generate the statistics, but
> failed. There is no way to detect if the API is covered by the
> cases, because the different class can have same methods name,
> though I can filter out the APIs for each libvirt object by:
> libvirt_module="/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py"
> declare -a arr=($(grep -E "class vir[A-Za-z]+:" $libvirt_module | \
>      cut -d' ' -f2))
> for i in $(seq 0 $((${#arr[@]} - 1))); do
>      j=$(($i + 1))
>      echo "[ == ${arr[$i]} == ]"
>      if [ $j -lt ${#arr[@]} ]; then
>          sed -n -e "/${arr[$i]}/,/${arr[$j]}/{/${arr[$j]}/!p}" \
>          $libvirt_module | grep '^    def ' | grep -E -v "__del|__init" | \
>          sed -e "s/\s*def //g" -e "s/(.*)://g"
>      fi
> done

       no hurry, let's do it later


       Guannan Ren

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