[libvirt] Qemu text monitor

Shradha Shah sshah at solarflare.com
Tue Jan 31 11:12:24 UTC 2012

Hello All,

I am currently working with libvirt on RHEL6.2. There are a few points I have noticed regarding the QEMU monitor.

When I hotplug a device into the guest, the Qemu text monitor receives a device_add command and adds the device to its current devices list (I found this list via the qemu-monitor-command "info pci"). When I hot-unplug the device from the guest, the Qemu text monitor receives the device_del command but does not remove the device from its current devices list (qemu-monitor-command "info pci" still shows the device).

The result of this is that the next hotplug of the device fails giving an error "Duplicate id".

I was wondering if any of you have hit this issue before or know about any qemu-monitor bugs I may not be aware of?

Many Thanks in advance,

Shradha Shah

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