[libvirt] only 256 active networks

Laine Stump lstump at redhat.com
Sun Sep 30 03:29:45 UTC 2012

On 09/29/2012 04:22 PM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> Hi List, Laine,
> Maybe you can help here.
> We define 256 bridged networks such as
>     <network>
>       <name>vdsm-test244</name>
>       <uuid>c3acd4c3-37be-3f9d-ee6b-317513015f9e</uuid>
>       <forward mode='bridge'/>
>       <bridge name='test244' />
>     </network>
> and end up killing `virsh net-list` with
>     error: Failed to list active networks
>     error: too many remote undefineds: 257 > 256
>     error: Reconnected to the hypervisor
> What is this limitation? Why is it there? How can this be extended/avoided?

What version of libvirt are you running? This is a limit set by the RPC
code, and it was increased from 256 to 16384 in commit
eb635de1fed3257c5c62b552d1ec981c9545c1d7, which looks like it would be
in any libvirt *after* 0.9.12 (so any 0.10.x will have the increase).

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