[libvirt] ANNOUNCE: Oz 0.12.0 release

Chris Lalancette clalancette at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 19:43:53 UTC 2014

    I'm pleased to announce release 0.12.0 of Oz.  Oz is a program for
doing automated installation of guest operating systems with limited
input from the user.  Release 0.12.0 is a bugfix and feature release
for Oz.  Some of the highlights between Oz 0.11.0 and 0.12.0 are:

* Fixes to concurrent oz-install invocations
* Python 3 compatibility in the test suites
* Support for Ubuntu 12.04.3
* Support for Mageia
* Allow a MAC address to be passed in (instead of auto-generated)
* Support for RHEL5.10
* Support for Ubuntu 13.10
* Use lxml instead of libxml2 for XML document processing (it has much
better error messages)
* Remove the unused "tunnels" functionality
* Support FreeBSD 10.0
* Remove deprecated functions from the Guest class
* Speed up guest customization on guests that support NetworkManager
* Follow subprocess commands as they are executed (makes debugging easier)
* Ensure that any paths from the user are absolute, otherwise things
don't work properly
* Add support for OpenSUSE 13.1
* Add support for Fedora 20
* Add support for RHEL-7

A tarball and zipfile of this release is available on the Github
releases page: https://github.com/clalancette/oz/releases .  Packages
for Fedora-19, Fedora-20, and EPEL-6 have been built in Koji and will
eventually make their way to stable.  Instructions on how to get and
use Oz are available at http://github.com/clalancette/oz/wiki .

If you have questions or comments about Oz, please feel free to
contact me at clalancette at gmail.com, or open up an issue on the
github page: http://github.com/clalancette/oz/issues .

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release through bug
reports, patches, and suggestions for improvement.

Chris Lalancette

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