[libvirt] [PATCH 1/2] Parallels: add domainGetVcpus().

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Mon Jun 2 16:43:37 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 06:06:38PM +0400, Alexander Burluka wrote:
> From: A.Burluka <aburluka at parallels.com>
> OpenStack Nova requires this function
> to start VM instance. Cpumask info is obtained via prlctl utility.

Hmm, what error did you get from openstack ?  The two uses of the
'dom.vcpus' function are both wrapped in try/except so that it is
considered non-fatal if libvirt doesn't provide this.

> Unlike KVM, Parallels Cloud Server is unable to set cpu affinity
> mask for every VCpu. Mask is unique for all VCpu. You can set it
> using 'prlctl set <vm_id|vm_name> --cpumask <{n[,n,n1-n2]|all}>'
> command. For example, 'prlctl set SomeDomain --cpumask 0,1,5-7'
> would set this mask to yy---yyy.

Are you talking about container based virt here or full machine
based virt ? IIUC Parallels can do both ?  With container based
virt, does parallels have the concept of 'vcpus' at all ? We
don't have that in LXC at least.

I don't think it makes sense to support the virDomainGetVCPUs
function if this is only about container virt. I'd be more
inclined to fix openstack so it doesn't fail

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