[libvirt] storage conf: Add key-value options to storage pools

Wido den Hollander wido at widodh.nl
Fri Jun 13 11:38:40 UTC 2014

On 06/04/2014 12:14 PM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 05:33:13PM +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
>> On 05/28/2014 11:38 AM, Wido den Hollander wrote:
>>> This series of patches adds the ability to pass down options to the
>>> storage pool drivers.
>>> In the case of NFS users can specify mount options and in the case of
>>> RBD users can specify options for librados to influence some behavior.
>>> All options and values are checked on input validity to prevent injection
>>> of malicious commands.
>> Should we allow arbitrary options?
> No, we shouldn't - at least not in this way. Libvirt's goal is always to
> to provide a clearly defined mapping, not do arbitrary unchecked argument
> passthrough. History has shown repeatedly that tools/libraries change their
> syntax and libvirt has demonstrated its value in adapting to these changes
> without breaking application compatibility.

Ok, understood. I didn't expect these patches to make it, but I wanted 
to start the discussion.

> The only way I'd support passthrough is if it were done in he same way
> as QEMU passthrough where it used a separate XML namespace which was clearly
> marked "use at your own risk, unsupported if it breaks".

Well, that would be something which is useful. For Ceph there are a lot 
of options, but NFS users might want to specify "noatime" or w and rsize 
as mount options.


> Regards,
> Daniel

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