[libvirt] [patch] Add support for OVMF in virt-aa-helper [Was: [apparmor] virt-aa-helper: does not support OVMF?]

intrigeri at debian.org intrigeri at debian.org
Wed Aug 12 15:59:24 UTC 2015


[please Cc me any reply, I'm not subscribed to libvir-list.]

it was reported [1] to Ubuntu that virt-aa-helper blocks access to the
OVMF files needed to boot UEFI virtual machines in QEMU. After I've
confirmed that on Debian sid, Jamie Strandboge suggested a fix.
I've successfully tested in my environment (applied on top of 1.2.18)
so I'm forwarding it here.

[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1483071


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