[libvirt] About libvirt on Windows-64bit

Chen Hanxiao chen_han_xiao at 126.com
Sat Dec 17 01:24:23 UTC 2016

At 2016-12-16 15:28:34, "孙长鹏(外网)" <sun_changpeng at venustech.com.cn> wrote:



I wanted to use libvirt to connect to 
KVM in Windows-64bit,but I was failed。In fact,when I tryed that in 
Windows-32bit,it can be right。


Please teach me,how can I make it right in 
Windows-64bit?After all, the Windows-32bit is outdated。


Thank you very much。forgive my pool English。


Looking forward to your reply!



a new Java developer

Hi, Sun
    Did you mean try to connect a KVM virtual machine on a windows x86_64 host?

- Chen

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