[libvirt] [PATCH] qemu: Ignore missing query-migrate-parameters

Jiri Denemark jdenemar at redhat.com
Thu Apr 27 07:22:14 UTC 2017

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 08:49:30 +0200, Erik Skultety wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:25:46PM +0200, Jiri Denemark wrote:
> > Trivially no migration parameters are supported when
> > query-migrate-parameters QMP command is missing. There's no need to
> > report an error in such case especially when doing so breaks
> > compatibility with old QEMU.
> I'd suggest adjusting the commit message a bit, since the important part is
> that there's a regression, the migration should work regardless of the presence
> of the QMP command, and without your patch, it doesn't.

Migration with old QEMU which does not support query-migrate-parameters
would fail because the QMP command is called unconditionally since the
introduction of TLS migration. Previously it was only called if the user
explicitly requested a feature which uses QEMU migration parameters. And
even then the situation was not ideal, instead of reporting an
unsupported feature we'd just complain about missing QMP command.

Trivially no migration parameters are supported when
query-migrate-parameters QMP command is missing. There's no need to
report an error if it is missing, the callers will report better error
if needed.

Is this better?


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