[libvirt] Potential problem with /proc/mounts items that don't exist inside Kubernetes

Juan Hernández jhernand at redhat.com
Thu Jul 6 09:11:03 UTC 2017

Hello all,

This is my first mail to this list, so let me introduce myself. My name 
is Juan Hernandez, and I work in the oVirt team. Currently I am 
experimenting with the integration between ManageIQ and KubeVirt.

I recently detected a potential issue when running libvirt inside 
Kubernetes, as part of KubeVirt. There are entries in /proc/mounts that 
don't exist, and libvirt can't start virtual machines because of that. 
This is specific to this enviroment, but I think it may be worth 
addressing it in libvirt itself. See the following issue for details:

   Libvirt fails when there are hidden cgroup mount points in `/proc/mounts`

I suggested a possible fix there, which seems simple, but it makes all 
tests fail. I'd be happy to fix the tests as well, but I would need some 
guidance on how to do so. Any suggestion is welcome.

Thanks in advance,
Juan Hernandez

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