[libvirt] perl-Sys-Virt docs and linker options

Olaf Hering olaf at aepfle.de
Wed Jul 4 10:05:27 UTC 2018

The docs in libvirt-perl.git refer still to Makefile.PL.

In the buildlog I noticed that somehow /usr/local is used, nothing uses the relevant flags from libvirt.pc:

cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -fstack-protector -o blib/arch/auto/Sys/Virt/Virt.so lib/Sys/Virt.o -lvirt

But even the patch below just appends -L %{_libdir} to that command. Any idea how to suppress -L/usr/local/lib64? It happens to work for me, likely because the toolchain has /usr/lib64 in a default path.


--- Sys-Virt-20180703T160550.57299b4.orig/Build.PL
+++ Sys-Virt-20180703T160550.57299b4/Build.PL
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ die "libvirt >= $libvirtver is required\
 my $LIBVIRT_LIBS = `pkg-config --libs libvirt`;
 my $LIBVIRT_CFLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags libvirt`;
+my $LIBVIRT_LIBDIR = `pkg-config --variable=libdir libvirt`;
 my $GCC_CFLAGS = "";
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ my $b = Module::Build->new(
         'perl' => '5.8.0',
     extra_compiler_flags => $GCC_CFLAGS . $LIBVIRT_CFLAGS,
-    extra_linker_flags => $LIBVIRT_LIBS,
+    extra_linker_flags => "-L" . $LIBVIRT_LIBDIR . $LIBVIRT_LIBS ,
     build_requires => {
        'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => 0,
        'Sys::Hostname' => 0,
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