[libvirt] [RFC PATCH 0/4] Add new macro to check for existent server

Matthias Bolte matthias.bolte at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 8 20:07:36 UTC 2018

2018-07-08 3:06 GMT+02:00 Marcos Paulo de Souza <marcos.souza.org at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I am trying to add a generic way to check for server, specially in drivers that
> needs the server to be declared. If there is better way to put the check, or a
> better way to check this setting, let me know.
> Thanks in advance!

I'd realize this in a different way.

The virConnectDriver struct has a localOnly flag that is used to
indicate whether a connection driver permits a server in the URI. Then
virConnectOpenInternal uses this flag during its driver auto-probing

I suggest expanding this concept and adding a remoteOnly flag to the
virConnectDriver struct. Instead of checking the URI server part in
the driver's own open function let virConnectOpenInternal do this
check based on the remoteOnly flag.

Matthias Bolte

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