[libvirt] [RFC PATCH] travis: require libgnutls28-dev

Pavel Hrdina phrdina at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 10:40:11 UTC 2018

On Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 09:37:55AM +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
> Since commit <eee8c85> we require GnuTLS >= 3.2.0.
> Install the aptly-named libgnutls28-dev package
> instead of plain libgnutls-dev.
> Signed-off-by: Ján Tomko <jtomko at redhat.com>
> ---
> RFC, since I haven't even started to figure out how to test it.
> Exposed by commit 3bf1959 which led to
> virCryptoHaveCipher(VIR_CRYPTO_CIPHER_AES256CBC)
> being called from the test suite, in qemuDomainSupportsEncryptedSecret.
> The proper fix for non-GnuTLS user is probably disabling the build
> of QEMU driver without GnuTLS, since capabilities caching won't work
> properly anyway without the hash functions.

I've just requested another node for our centos CI in order to install
current not outdated Ubuntu guests so we can ignore this travis error
and once we have our new guests we can use travis only for macOS builds.

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