[libvirt] question about syntax of storage volume <target> element

Jim Fehlig jfehlig at suse.com
Tue Oct 2 14:53:04 UTC 2018

On 10/2/18 5:13 AM, Pavel Hrdina wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 01, 2018 at 02:28:09PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
>> On 09/28/2018 12:54 AM, Jim Fehlig wrote:
>>> I've attempted to use virt-manager to create a new VM that uses a volume
>>> from an rbd-based network pool, but have not been able to progress past
>>> step 4/5 where VM storage is selected. It appears virt-manager has
>>> problems properly detecting the volume as network-based storage, but
>>> before investigating those further I have a question about the syntax of
>>> the <target> element of a storage volume.
>> Yeah virt-manager is known to be lacking WRT rbd. I did some work a few
>> years back but didn't finish it. At least it doesn't know how to correctly
>> use a volume with any auth data in the XML. I need to get another rbd setup
>> to test with and fix it all
> I was investigating the RBD support as well and in order to add proper
> support for it into virt-manager we need to add support for secrets.

Right. But I was starting with the assumption that a "storage admin" setup an 
rbd-based pool, necessary secrets, etc. Then user creating a new VM could select 
existing volumes in the pool or create new ones at step 4/5 of the VM creation 
wizard. Currently a user can select an existing volume or create a new one, but 
can't progress beyond that point. I have a hack (attached, based against 1.5.1) 
to workaround the problem in virt-manager. Commit 582c1d3d fixed virt-install to 
copy auth data from the pool to the device config in domXML and as a first step 
I'm trying to do the same with virt-manager.


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