[PATCH 2/7] storage: Introduce 'extended_l2' feature for storage volume

Ján Tomko jtomko at redhat.com
Sun Dec 19 13:05:44 UTC 2021

On a Friday in 2021, Peter Krempa wrote:
>QCOW2 images now support 'extended_l2' which splits the default clusters
>into 32 subcluster allocation units. This allows the allocation units to
>be smaller without increasing the size of L2 table too much and thus also
>the cache requirements for holding the full L2 table in memory.
>Unfortunately it's incompatible with qemu versions older than 5.2 thus
>can't be used as default.
>Signed-off-by: Peter Krempa <pkrempa at redhat.com>
> docs/formatstorage.rst                               |  4 ++++
> docs/schemas/storagecommon.rng                       |  5 +++++
> src/conf/storage_source_conf.c                       |  1 +
> src/conf/storage_source_conf.h                       |  1 +
> src/storage/storage_util.c                           | 11 +++++++++++
> tests/storagevolxml2argvdata/qcow2-clusterSize.argv  |  2 +-
> tests/storagevolxml2xmlin/vol-qcow2-clusterSize.xml  |  3 +++
> tests/storagevolxml2xmlout/vol-qcow2-clusterSize.xml |  4 ++++
> 8 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Reviewed-by: Ján Tomko <jtomko at redhat.com>

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