how to change nic's tx/rx ring size inside vm

longguang.yue libvirt at
Thu Dec 30 11:44:48 UTC 2021

this code answers my question, but why?

n->net_conf.tx_queue_size = MIN(virtio_net_max_tx_queue_size(n),
n->net_conf.tx_queue_size is 256 if peer->info->type != NET_CLIENT_DRIVER_VHOST_USER.

At 2021-12-30 17:06:05, "longguang.yue" <libvirt at> wrote:
>Hi, all:
>my environment is qemu-kvm-6.0.0, 4.18.0-240, libvirt 7.4.0.  vm is configured like this   queues='4' rx_queue_size='1024' tx_queue_size='1024'.
>inside vm  i can not change nic's ring size. 
>changing tx leads to error  'Cannot set device ring parameters: Operation not supported'.  
>changing rx leads to error 'rx unmodified, ignoring. no ring parameters changed, aborting'
>how to make it work and confirm what current value is?
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