[PATCH] network: Introduce mutex for bridge name generation

Daniel Henrique Barboza danielhb413 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 22:33:38 UTC 2021

On 1/7/21 5:22 PM, Ján Tomko wrote:
> On a Thursday in 2021, Laine Stump wrote:
>> On 1/7/21 10:09 AM, Michal Privoznik wrote:
>>> When defining/creating a network the bridge name may be filled in
>>> automatically by libvirt (if none provided in the input XML or
>>> the one provided is a pattern, e.g. "virbr%d"). During the
>>> bridge name generation process a candidate name is generated
>>> which is then checked with the rest of already defined/running
>>> networks for collisions.
>>> Problem is, that there is no mutex guarding this critical section
>>> and thus if two threads line up so that they both generate the
>>> same candidate they won't find any collision and the same name is
>>> then stored.
>>> Closes: https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt/-/issues/78
>> "Closes:"? I'm guessing other people have also been using this tag to get gitlab to automatically close PRs and I just haven't noticed it until now, but according to this page:
>> https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#closing-issues
>> "Resolves:" also works, and is a tag that has already been used quite a bit in libvirt in the past.
> Even for GitLab issues, Resolves is slightly winning at 7 vs 5.

I'm using 'Resolves: <gitlab bug link>' because I saw someone else doing
it. I thought that the reasoning behind it is that 'Resolves' is when you
want to say that 'this fixes the following bug entry', which differs from
'Fixes', which is used generally in the format 'Fixes: <commit>' to indicate
that it's an amend of another commit.

>> On the other hand, I've had some people tell me that they want just the URL of the issue that was fixed, with no explicit tag (although that was for bugzilla bugs)

If we can make it a standard, like, every time a bug link is posted in the end
of a commit message means 'this patch fixes this bug', then sure, why not.

> Yes, I considered it nicer and less deceitful (because you're not really
> claiming anything just by including the link), back then when I cared about things.

It's a good time to stop caring too much. We're barely a week in 2021 and stuff is
already weirder than before.

>> Is it worth trying to pick one of these to always use, or is that just pointless micromanagement?
> Of course, that's what a mailing list is for.

Deep down, I'm replying to this because I'm expecting Laine to tell some
good story dowm the road and I want to be in the CC.



>> Or maybe there was already a discussion and I just missed it... (I'm undecided whether I lean towards OCD, or "Freedum!!")
> As long as both people and machines can read it, either is fine.
> Jano
>>> Signed-off-by: Michal Privoznik <mprivozn at redhat.com>
>> Reviewed-by: Laine Stump <laine at redhat.com>

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