[PATCH 00/67] docs: Fix and clean up anchor links

Peter Krempa pkrempa at redhat.com
Tue May 31 15:47:14 UTC 2022

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 17:26:34 +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
> On a Tuesday in 2022, Peter Krempa wrote:
> > First 50 patches remove the use of raw HTML passthrough in
> > formatdomain.rst, which is the only outstanding place which still does.
> > 
> Is cleaning those up worth breaking links from external sites which
> use the old anchors? I thought that was the only reason we left them
> there.

Well, the main reason they were added originally was because it also
prevented us from having to convert all other documents we have locally
and allowed a mostly automated conversion.

For all other documents which didn't have so many internal cross-links
we already converted the links to the new names when doing the
conversion to RST

The external links case was certainly one of the selling points at that
time, but IMO the value of it decreased over the last almost 2 years
since the document was converted as all new links obtained from the
document are of the new format.

My stance (obviously since I posted the patches) is that since it's
inevitable that the links will break at some point and we had a good
enough intermediate period so we should just get over it and use what's

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