deskbar-applet Deskbar Applet Handlers Location - Providing the location of deskbar-applet system-wide handlers. gnome-mount gnome-mount - GNOME mount wrapper ndesk-dbus-1.0 NDesk.DBus - Managed D-Bus IPC protocol library and CLR binding gconf-sharp-peditors-2.0 GConf.PropertyEditors - GConf gnome-system-tools gst - Gnome System Tools gmime-sharp-2.2 gmime-sharp - .NET binding for GMime tomboy-addins Tomboy Addin Library - Library providing the interfaces for Tomboy addins cecil Mono Internal -- Do not use. - Mono Internal Libraries -- Do not use mono-addins-0.2 Mono.Addins - gnome-mime-data-2.0 gnome-mime-data - Base set of file types and applications for GNOME ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0 NDesk.DBus.GLib - GLib integration for NDesk.DBus, the D-Bus IPC library mono-cairo Mono.Cairo - Cairo bindings for Mono glade-sharp-2.0 Glade - Glade gconf-sharp-2.0 GConf - GConf gst-python-0.10 gst-python - Python bindings for GStreamer gnome-vfs-sharp-2.0 GnomeVfs - GnomeVfs gnome-doc-utils gnome-doc-utils - GNOME Documentation Utilities mono-addins-gui-0.2 Mono.Addins.Gui - xml2po xml2po - Tool for translating XML documents fontutil FontUtil - Font utilities dirs glib-sharp-2.0 GLib - GLib iso-codes iso-codes - ISO country, language, script and currency codes and translations gnome-sharp-2.0 Gnome - Gnome dbus-python dbus-python - Python bindings for D-Bus mono-addins-setup Mono.Addins.Setup - pm-utils pm-utils - Power management scripts for suspend and hibernate gnome-screensaver gnome-screensaver - gnome screensaver mono-addins-setup-0.2 Mono.Addins.Setup - gtk-dotnet-2.0 Gtk.DotNet - .NET Extensions for Gtk gtk-engines-2 gtk-engines-2 - GTK+ Theme Engines mono-addins-gui Mono.Addins.Gui - libgdiplus libgdiplus - GDI+ implementation gok-1.0 Gok - GNOME On-screen Keyboard shared-mime-info shared-mime-info - Freedesktop common MIME database art-sharp-2.0 Art - Art notify-python notify-python - Python bindings for libnotify gtk-sharp-2.0 Gtk - Gtk pygtksourceview-2.0 PyGtkSourceView - Python bindings for GtkSourceView gmime-sharp gmime-sharp - .NET binding for GMime mono-addins Mono.Addins - gnome-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme - A collection of icons used as the basis for GNOME themes