Invalid value '-1' for 'cpu.max': Invalid argument - a result of?

Michal Prívozník mprivozn at
Wed May 17 08:36:22 UTC 2023

On 5/16/23 14:57, lejeczek wrote:
> hmm, I've decommissioned that test-lab, whichever version is there in
> oVirt stable... I might try again later.


> ps. it does not take up much off the underlying hardware - as a VM, a
> few gigs and few cores.

I know. It's not matter of hardware resources, it's matter of my time
resources and willingness to reproduce something only to find it's
already fixed.

Usually, when I'm filing a bug against QEMU, I try to come up with as
minimal reproducer as possible. And the very first step is to reproduce
the bug without libvirt, i.e. via plain command line. Sure, I start with
libvirt generated cmd line but then peel off unnecessary arguments.

This preprocessing then makes it way easier for QEMU developers to
reproduce and fix the issue. And thus increases my chances of getting
the issue fixed.


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