[linux-lvm] Fresh install

Bruno Kraychete da Costa brunokc at kraychete.com
Tue Jul 18 23:14:45 UTC 2000

Hi there,

I'm about to install a new Linux box (probably Slackware 7.1) and I'd like
to use LVM on it. Is there any way to install Salackware 7.1 (which is a
LVM-unaware distribution) in my machine having it use VGs and LVs? 

Explaining: if I do a clean install, I'll have to install LVM after and
move the contents from normal partitions to the new LVs. What I'd like to
do is to user a LVM-aware bootdisk before installing, so I could prepare
the disk before Slackware setup takes place.

Do you guys know of any such "boot disk"?



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