[linux-lvm] Docs on clustererd option of vgcreate

Gerrard Geldenhuis Gerrard.Geldenhuis at datacash.com
Thu Feb 7 16:36:34 UTC 2008

Thanks, the "missing snapshotting" would be a problem. I am still
slightly unclear as to the goals of the clustering in LVM...





From: linux-lvm-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:linux-lvm-bounces at redhat.com]
On Behalf Of Jonathan Brassow
Sent: 07 February 2008 16:21
To: LVM general discussion and development
Subject: Re: [linux-lvm] Docs on clustererd option of vgcreate


The reason the results are likely so sparse is because the two modes of
operation (single machine and cluster) are so similar.


Once you've setup a cluster and installed the lvm2-cluster rpm*, new
volume groups that are created automatically receive the "clustered"
attribute.  [Toggle the cluster attribute by doing vgchange -c[ny] <vg>]
The lvm commands stay the same as if you were running them on a single




* Of course you could compile the sources or use another install method.

** Some targets (like snapshots) are not available when using LVM in a
clustered mode.


On Feb 7, 2008, at 8:38 AM, Gerrard Geldenhuis wrote:


I am after a bit more documentation about the usage of the

--clustered option in vgcreate.


At the moment I don't have a spare san drive with which I can
experiment. My understanding is that you would set this flag when
different hosts(nodes) connect to the same storage area typically a san
with lvm configured.


I am after a bit more information describing this "clusterering"
functionality in lvm and how/where it is used. The man pages on lvm and
commands is a bit sparse and I am trawling through google results but
not with great success at the moment.



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