From jokajak at Wed Jun 30 19:43:28 2010 From: jokajak at (Josh) Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 15:43:28 -0400 Subject: [Mod_nss-list] Client certificate subject alt names Message-ID: <> We have an application for mod_nss where we would like to verify the subject alt names of the client certificate to ensure that the client certificates have not been interchanged between systems. Each of the clients has their own certificate that has a subject alt name that includes the clients IP address. For instance: ClientA has a certificate with CN=clientA and a subject alt name of IP: ClientB has a certificate with CN=clientB and a subject alt name of IP: We want to be able to verify that ClientA is using its certificate and is coming from without knowing that clientA's dns maps back to If through some weird means clientA gets a hold of clientB's certificate the mod_nss server would reject the certificate because the IP address of the client would not match any of the subject alt names in the certificate. I thought I might be able to do this using NSSRequire but none of the available fields appear to produce the contents of the x509v3 subject alt names extension. Is there any way this can be achieved using the current version of mod_nss? Thanks and let me know if more details are needed (I'm sure there are)... -josh