[Mod_nss-list] how to export some x509v3 extensions with NSSOptions +StdEnvVars

Oliver Graute oliver.graute at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 07:40:53 UTC 2016


I'am using the following x509v3 extensions in my client certificate.

[ x509v3 ]
basicConstraints       = critical,CA:FALSE
nsCertType             = client
keyUsage               = digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage       = clientAuth, serverAuth, emailProtection
keyUsage               = critical,digitalSignature
subjectKeyIdentifier   = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid
crlDistributionPoints  = crlDistributionPoint0_sect        = ASN1:UTF8String:POSEUR

Is it possible to export these x509v3 extensions with NSSOptions
+StdEnvVars or any other NSSOption?

especially I need to export the " =
ASN1:UTF8String:POSEUR" in my php environment.

Is it possible to configure or patch mod_nss to achive this? where is
the right place to adapt the code for this?

Best regards,


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