[ANN] nspluginwrapper 1.2.0

Warren Togami wtogami at redhat.com
Fri Dec 26 21:47:12 UTC 2008

Great work Gwenole.  I didn't build this yet because our patches 
conflict in ways that Stransky understands a lot more than me.

Might it be possible for you to integrate some of our build related 
patches in a future version?

What does this do?  Not suitable for upstream?

Our configure and Makefile patches are not suitable for upstream 
directly, but perhaps you could include stuff in the upstream 
automake/autoconf stuff to make it easier for us to achieve the same 
result without huge and ugly patches?

Perhaps configure --singlearchbuild?

-MOZILLA_CFLAGS = -I$(SRC_PATH)/npapi -I$(SRC_PATH)/npapi/nspr

Another configure option to specify MOZILLA_CFLAGS so we can do this 
without patching the Makefile?

Why is this not upstream?

Warren Togami
wtogami at redhat.com

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