Leaked file descriptors from browser to npviewer.bin

Gwenole Beauchesne gb.public at free.fr
Mon Nov 17 23:30:11 UTC 2008


Le 17 nov. 08 à 21:46, Warren Togami a écrit :

> It seems that upon fork() file descriptors from the browser leak to  
> the npviewer.bin process.  There are potential security concerns  
> whenever file descriptors leak to a forked process.  Are any of  
> these file descriptors actually expected and needed by the  
> npviewer.bin process?

Do you mean any file descriptor opened by the browser-side part of  
nspluginwrapper? Because, for file descriptors originating from the  
browser, I don't see what we could do. Isn't it the responsibility of  
the browser to O_CLOEXEC (resp. SOCK_CLOEXEC) them through fnctl() or  
"now" directly through creation functions? e.g. open() as I understood  
through Ulrich's article.

nspluginwrapper only needs its sockets. I normally close the  
descriptor from the popen() and I don't see other descriptor  
nspluginwrapper may have opened. Could you be more specific?


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