Fullscreen Flash and screensavers

Andrew Sayers andrew-nspluginwrapper at pileofstuff.org
Fri Jul 10 13:51:34 UTC 2009

Flash currently doesn't disable the screensaver when displayed 
fullscreen.  This is rightfully a bug in Flash, but Adobe don't seem to 
be giving it much priority[1].

This is a significant irritant, and there's evidence that users are 
working around it on their own[2].  I'm interested in fixing this 
problem, and nspluginwrapper seems like the least-worst place to put the 
fix.  Suggestions for a less-worse place are of course welcome :)

The attached patch adds a program called npsaver.bin, which disables the 
GNOME or KDE screensaver when it detects that npviewer.bin is fullscreen 
and on the top of the stack.  It does this by monitoring X Window 
events.  I've implemented this as a separate program because it needs to 
be a 64-bit executable on 64-bit architectures in order to link against 
libdbus-1, whereas the rest of nspluginwrapper is always i386.

This patch makes nspluginwrapper depend on the libdbus-1 development 
files.  The patch directly modifies the "configure" script to check for 
that dependency - I think that's naughty, but I can't find the m4 script 
that automatically generates "configure".

I've modified src/npw-viewer.sh to start and kill npsaver.bin when the 
script starts and finishes, but src/npw-viewer.sh isn't used on 32-bit 
architectures, so I'm not sure how to proceed.  Would it be better to 
make this a thread or child process in the i386 case?  I'd be happy to 
submit another patch if someone could point me in the right direction.

This patch was originally created as a branch of Ubuntu's 
nspluginwrapper code[3], then altered for SVN (revision 942).

	- Andrew Sayers


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