[OS:N:] GIMP vs. Adobe Photoshop

Jeff Kinz jkinz at kinz.org
Thu Sep 9 17:35:45 UTC 2004

On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 09:56:30AM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> I know that skills learned in PaintShop Pro were transferable to Gimp.
> Then I learned layers in Gimp, and I'm sure that would be transferable
> back to the newer versions of PSP, as well as PhotoShop.
> I just don't have $$ for Photoshop, nor a Windows machine to run it on.
> Hell, I use Gimp on WinXP at work for doing graphics for cellphone games.
> (Of course, you don't really need Photoshop for that.  You need a simple
> sprite-editor.  No reason to pay $100s and $100s for that functionality!)

An additional "Promo" point for Gimp when talking to educators:

Only a small number (if any) of their students will become professional
graphics artists.  The rest (most) will receive the largest benefit from
learning about the tool they are most likely to end up using in
the future.

Even if they feel Gimp is not as good as PhotoShop, Gimp is the right
answer for all of the students except for the (**)three out of one
thousand who will be computer artists.

Since the future of all broadly based computing, including desktop
computing, is Open Source, Gimp is the right answer from both a $ and
the most useful thing to learn vantage point.

(**)This statistic was totally made up. Replace it with any information
you have that actually reflects reality.  (***)

(***)40% of all statistics are totally made up.
Linux/Open Source.  Now all your base belongs to you, for free.
Idealism:  "Realism applied over a longer time period"

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.

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