[OS:N:] Cloning technology

Peter Quiring pquiring at geocities.com
Mon Jun 20 17:01:59 UTC 2005

I have an idea (not sure if this is valid) but why don't we clone other 
technology just like Compaq and AMD has cloned IBM and Intel respectively.

I seen this on TV once before.  To legally "clone" something you need 
two groups of engineers.  The first group takes a product and 
reverse-engineers it writting all findings into a document.  Then you 
pass this document to another group that has never attempted to 
reverse-engineer the product.  From the document made by the first 
group, the second group builds a clone of the product.  This legal 
loophole has allowed Compaq to make the first IBM clone.

With this, we could create clones of MPEG, and other technologies for 
the Open Source community.

Anyways, just my thought.

Peter Quiring <pquiring at geocities.com>

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