[Openshift Commons Image Builders SIG] source2image and compiling java...where's the right place to do it?

Marc Boorshtein marc.boorshtein at tremolosecurity.com
Wed Jun 1 16:05:43 UTC 2016

Fellow builders,

We're building a source2image builder for our Java application and
we're struggling with the question of where to actually build the
system.  The output of a maven build process is a war file that goes
into a hardened version of Tomcat.  We see three options:

1.  Input is a war file created as the output of an external build -
simple for us but seems to defeat the purpose of s2i

2.  Assume that maven and javac are wherever s2i is running and have
the assemble script pull the maven project, build it and deploy the
war file into the image - This seems the most obvious to me since it
lets us rely on existing build processes.

3.  Pull in maven and the source code into the image, then have the
image build the project, deploy the wars and then remove maven and the
source code - This seems like it would be the most consistent way to
do a build since it wouldn't matter which system s2i runs on but it
requires the most amount of work on our end.

Any thoughts/advise on the best or recommended approach?  Is there one
that we're missing?


Marc Boorshtein
CTO Tremolo Security
marc.boorshtein at tremolosecurity.com
(703) 828-4902
Twitter - @mlbiam / @tremolosecurity

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