[Openshift Commons Image Builders SIG] OpenShift Commons Image Builder SIG Meeting #1: notes, slides, video and links

Diane Mueller-Klingspor dmueller at redhat.com
Thu May 5 22:09:21 UTC 2016


Thanks for attending the first meeting of the Image Builder SIG; if you
were not able to attend here's the link to the recording of the session on

OpenShift Commons Image Builder SIG #1: How to Build Redistributable
OpenShift-Ready Images:


Slides used in the meeting are here:


There was a good discussion on how to improve the documentation around
image building presented in the discussion near the end of the session
including the suggestion to have a pair of 'Getting Started' tutorials. The
first would walk thru a 'generic' image build tutorial and the second would
walk thru using S2I that explained the new terminology that was specific to
openshift and kubernetes.

Click2Cloud shared the links to their OpenShift Ready .Net images on Docker

Also the templates available here:

The next session will be held May 18th at 9:00 am Pacific with a
presentation from Produban's Cristian Roldan on their Enterprise CI/CD
Image Building workflow.

Check meeting dial-in details here for

Kind Regards,

Diane Mueller
Director, Community Development
Red Hat OpenShift

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