[Openshift Commons Image Builders SIG] Image Building and Terminology

Scott McCarty smccarty at redhat.com
Tue May 24 13:49:25 UTC 2016


      Last week at the container interlock, one of you (sorry, can't 
remember who, maybe Diogones?) was talking about the Middleware team 
building "base images" which contained VMs.  As a follow up, I wanted to 
understand what was meant by that. I think one of two things could be 
happening, but I didn't want to rat hole the presentation.

1. We are not using the word base image correctly?

2. We are planning on releasing Middleware base images?

3. More complicated. Relies on RHEL, but squashed (still has a base 
image of RHEL)

If #1, check out this article [1] which I did a ton of homework on and 
references Docker's documentation, which defines a base image as an 
image with no parent layer.

If #2, I think the RHEL team and the middleware team should talk. I 
believe we really need to make sure all software in Red Hat products 
rely on the RHEL "base image" and should probably NOT be creating their 
own base images.

If #3, I think we should discuss what we message to the world 
(especially customers) about how these are built and we should probably 
be careful calling them base images. Perhaps, something like an 
Application Image or Composed Image? Perhaps talking about how they an 
be used as base images, but are actually rely on a RHEL base image? It 
might not seem important in this small case, but I foresee massive 
confusion if we don't perfectly align now before we 1000s of images 
(currently at just over 100 and growing fast).

Best Regards
Scott M



Scott McCarty, RHCA

Technical Product Marketing: Containers

Email: smccarty at redhat.com

Phone: 312-660-3535

Cell: 330-807-1043

Web: http://crunchtools.com

When should you split your application into multiple containers? 

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