Cannot login as non-root user

Josiah Ritchie josiah.ritchie at
Thu Jan 11 17:47:00 UTC 2007

On 1/11/07, Kevin Williams <kevkim55 at> wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> > Is your uid actually 0?
> I don't understand ! The non-root user account's uid is 1000 and so is
> gid. /home/kevin is owned by kevin:kevin with uid:gid of 1000:1000 as is
> in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.

He wants to know if the uid for root in /etc/passwd is 0.

/etc/passwd should have a line it in that looks something like this.


If the 0 is something else then your user account named root isn't
actually root, it's just a regular user account. I believe that the
exception to this is if you installed SELinux. That would make it
possible to lock down even your uid 0 root account, If I understand
SELinux correctly.


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