Some Solaris support modifications, and notes

Tim Small tim.small at
Sun Aug 17 13:14:38 UTC 2008


I've recently done some work for to carry out
a pam-ldap and nss-ldap installation on some RHEL4, Solaris machines.

It appears that Solaris doesn't have any functionality at the PAM level
to limit which users can access a service (by user-name list, or group
etc.).  There is some support for this functionality at application
level, but it is inconsistent, and will apply to users from all of the
password databases,  (not just LDAP which is what we needed)....

I got this functionality on the Linux boxes using pam_listfile, and
since says
that people use it on Solaris, I thought I'd give it a go.

It would appear to have been a while since Linux-PAM compiled on Solaris
out-of-the-box...  The attached patch is a bit rough (particularly the
pam_lastlog bit, which you may want to drop - unfortunately, this
project has already over-run considerably, and I don't have time to fix
it), but may be a good starting point....

Also attached are some notes on building under Solaris 8 and 10, which
are hopefully of some use.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

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