[publican-list] Inline tags within verbatim environment

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Thu Nov 17 08:04:26 UTC 2011


On Thu, 17 Nov 2011, Jeff Fearn wrote:
> I'd love an example of a screen that doesn't contain "Text that a
> user sees or might see on a computer screen" AND does contain
> computer output.
> screen is the verbatim brother of computeroutput, I've never seen an
> example of where nesting them isn't pointless, but I would love to
> see such an example! So bring one on and I will reconsider my
> position.

Ok, you can argue that <computeroutput> is useless in <screen> and I could
agree with that (but then why is it allowed by the standard in the first

But the story is the same with <userinput> and this one is really useful
to highlight the part of the screen that the user is supposed to type
(it's rendered in bold while computeroutput is usually not, except that
Publican overrides this...)! Here's one example where you might want to
keep the linebreaks and the multiple spaces.

$ <userinput>cat >crontab <<END
# min hours day month dow command
  0   19    *   *     *   fetchmail
$ <userinput>crontab crontab</userinput>

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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