[publican-list] QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted

Jeff Fearn jfearn at redhat.com
Thu Mar 21 23:07:41 UTC 2013

Hi, this warning just started appearing for some larger books. It's due 
to the number of file handles open hitting the default limit.

The number of files goes something like:

coverpage file + toc file + main file + ((footer file + header file) * 
pages main file is paginated too))

On Linux you can run `ulimit -n` to get the current limit.

So 1024 - 3 / 2 = 510.5

So assuming you have some file handles open for other things, at around 
500 pages this will start happening with the default file handle limit.

On some Linuxes you can run `ulimit -n 8192` to change the limit for the 
current shell. Handy for testing.

To make this permanent:

sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf

Then add these two lines:

*                 soft    nofile          8192
*                 hard    nofile          8192

Save, and re-login for it to take effect.

FYI for packagers, the Brew/Koji limits are set to 8192 so this will not 
affect packages building.

Cheers, Jeff.

Jeff Fearn <jfearn at redhat.com>
Senior Software Engineer
Infrastructure Engineering & Development (AEU)
Red Hat Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
GPG: 0x0357E8F0

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