[publican-list] Fedora: Brand not honoured in PDF

Jeff Fearn jfearn at redhat.com
Thu Aug 4 22:45:48 UTC 2016

On 01/08/16 17:42, Erich Steinböck wrote:
>> include a wkhtmltopdf compatible brand
> Jeff, will the switch from FOP to wkhtmltopdf be a "migration" project with
> tons of changes to the docs XML themselves?  Or, hopefully not?

No changes are required for the XML.

> Are there some simple steps how the change to wkhtmltopdf might be done?
> Although our publican.cfg contains a line "brand: oorexx"  I assume, this
> was solely done to define some common content, and not at all to have some
> specific brand formatting. Maybe we can just use one of the predefined
> brands? Here is how a formatted document used to look like:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/oorexx/files/oorexx-docs/5.0.0alpha/rexxref5_r11039.pdf/download
> Based on this look, can you suggest one of the pre-defined brands with the
> same (or similar) look?

I think you should restart due to the styles being so different.

You do this by adding book_templates/overrides.css to your brand.

If you just want colored headings just set the color for h1, h2, h3, etc.

If you don't like the styling at all, then you can add
book_templates/pdfmain-css.tmpl and replace the CSS entirely.

<sigh> I note the User Guide is insanely out of date :(

Exposing book_templates directory happened in

Cheers, Jeff.
Jeff Fearn
Senior Software Engineer
PnT - DevOps - Development
Red Hat Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
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