[Rdo-list] delorean.repo vs delorean-deps.repo

Alan Pevec apevec at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 09:40:31 UTC 2015

> Would we want to keep all passed-ci repos over time? It should not be too hard to make the promote script fetch all packages in delorean-liberty-testing and delorean-common-testing during promotion and rebuild the repo with them. However, it could increase storage usage (~330 MB at the moment).

This might be shaved a bit if we'd use hardlinking but I would not
invest too much effort into this, using -testing repos is temporary
during developement. Proposed production CI flow would be:
1. builds are tagged into CBS -testing tag from rdoupdate yml in gerrit
2. this triggers cbs repos regen which would trigger promotion job on
3. on pass builds are tagged into -release tag and announcement
auto-generated using openstack/reno and description in rdoupdate yaml
4. release is signed and published to mirror.centos.org

This CI should ensure that deps is reliable and can be treated same as base OS.


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