[rdo-list] [TRIPLEO] itrospection fails iDRAC error

Samuel Monderer smonderer at vasonanetworks.com
Tue May 9 20:02:45 UTC 2017


Introspection failed and when I ran openstack baremetal node show I got the

[stack at edge-rhos-director ~]$ openstack baremetal node show
| Field                  | Value

| console_enabled        | False

| created_at             | 2017-05-09T19:12:12+00:00

| driver                 | pxe_drac

| driver_info            | {u'drac_host': u'',
u'drac_password': u'******', u'drac_username': u'root', u'deploy_ramdisk':
u'6b96a53a-2910-4c97-8de3-355e96ed9e1f', u'deploy_kernel': u'bed29217-a5f2
|                        | -4acb-91b0-21d7f1887f69'}

| driver_internal_info   | {u'drac_boot_device': {u'boot_device': u'pxe',
u'persistent': False}}
| extra                  | {}

| inspection_finished_at | None

| inspection_started_at  | None

| instance_info          | {}

| instance_uuid          | None

| last_error             | Failed to change power state to 'power on'.
Error: DRAC operation failed. Reason: DRAC operation failed. Messages:
['Configuration job already created, cannot create another config   |
|                        | job on specified target until existing job is
completed or is cancelled']
| maintenance            | False

| maintenance_reason     | None

| name                   | None

| ports                  | [{u'href': u'',
u'rel': u'self'}, {u'href': u'       |
|                        | b9c2-a9ab5cebbb0d/ports', u'rel': u'bookmark'}]

| power_state            | power off

| properties             | {u'capabilities': u'boot_option:local'}

| provision_state        | manageable

| provision_updated_at   | 2017-05-09T19:40:47+00:00

| reservation            | None

| target_power_state     | None

| target_provision_state | None

| updated_at             | 2017-05-09T19:41:16+00:00

| uuid                   | b1e65341-c589-4fee-b9c2-a9ab5cebbb0d

[stack at edge-rhos-director ~]$

I've checked the iDRAC Job queue and it's empty
Any idea what could cause the prolem?

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