#This file is an example of an environment file for defining the isolated #networks and related parameters. resource_registry: # Network Interface templates to use (these files must exist) OS::TripleO::Compute::Net::SoftwareConfig: /home/stack/templates/nic-configs/compute.yaml OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig: /home/stack/templates/nic-configs/controller.yaml parameter_defaults: # This section is where deployment-specific configuration is done # Customize the IP subnets to match the local environment InternalApiNetCidr: StorageNetCidr: StorageMgmtNetCidr: TenantNetCidr: ExternalNetCidr: # CIDR subnet mask length for provisioning network ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: '24' # Customize the IP ranges on each network to use for static IPs and VIPs InternalApiAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] StorageAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] StorageMgmtAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] TenantAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] # Leave room if the external network is also used for floating IPs ExternalAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] # Gateway router for the external network ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Gateway router for the provisioning network (or Undercloud IP) ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: # Generally the IP of the Undercloud EC2MetadataIp: # Define the DNS servers (maximum 2) for the overcloud nodes ?? DnsServers: [""] # Customize the VLAN IDs to match the local environment InternalApiNetworkVlanID: 201 StorageNetworkVlanID: 204 StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID: 203 TenantNetworkVlanID: 205 ExternalNetworkVlanID: 101 # Set to empty string to enable multiple external networks or VLANs NeutronExternalNetworkBridge: "''" NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: 'datacentre:1:2048' # Customize bonding options, e.g. "mode=4 lacp_rate=1 updelay=1000 miimon=100" BondInterfaceOvsOptions: "bond_mode=4 lacp_rate=1 updelay=1000 miimon=100" ServiceNetMap: NeutronTenantNetwork: tenant CeilometerApiNetwork: internal_api MongoDbNetwork: internal_api CinderApiNetwork: internal_api CinderIscsiNetwork: storage GlanceApiNetwork: storage GlanceRegistryNetwork: internal_api KeystoneAdminApiNetwork: ctlplane # allows undercloud to config endpoints KeystonePublicApiNetwork: internal_api NeutronApiNetwork: internal_api HeatApiNetwork: internal_api NovaApiNetwork: internal_api NovaMetadataNetwork: internal_api NovaVncProxyNetwork: internal_api SwiftMgmtNetwork: storage SwiftProxyNetwork: storage HorizonNetwork: internal_api MemcachedNetwork: internal_api RabbitMqNetwork: internal_api RedisNetwork: internal_api MysqlNetwork: internal_api CephClusterNetwork: storage CephPublicNetwork: storage ControllerHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api ComputeHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api BlockStorageHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api ObjectStorageHostnameResolveNetwork: internal_api CephStorageHostnameResolveNetwork: storage