[redhat-lspp] Requirements gathering [Object labelling]

James Morris jmorris at redhat.com
Tue May 24 19:39:35 UTC 2005

On Tue, 24 May 2005, Frank Mayer wrote:

> >> a significant issue is the object labeling policy. Not sure if this
> >> issue is included in item 1) but if not it remains a significant
> >> issue, especially if MLS is to be enabled by default.
> > 
> > This would be part of overall policy, right?
> Yes I agree with this; just wanted to make sure it was included as I see
> object labeling as the challenge

Could you expand a little on this in terms of the gap between what we have 
now and what you expect we'll need?

- James
James Morris
<jmorris at redhat.com>

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