[redhat-lspp] initial cups-1.2.1-18.1lspp patch

Matt Anderson mra at hp.com
Sat Jul 15 06:42:18 UTC 2006

Attached is the latest version of the lspp CUPS patch.

The patch also exist at
RPM related files at
and some policy files (you may not need these)

When using the rpm be sure and set
ServerName /var/run/cups/cups.sock

and in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf you'll want to comment out the line
#Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

Additionally you may want to set
Browsing No
FileDevices Yes

Classification can be set to mls, te, or selinux
mls = s0
te = user_lpr_t
selinux = user_u:user_r:user_lpr_t:s0

Recently paps became the default filter for text/plain and text/html.  I
haven't integrated with paps yet, so you'll want to reset those entries
in /etc/cups/mime.convs to texttops from texttopaps.

So far I've verified this rpm works on an mls enforcing system printing
over a parallel port and socket. From a targeted system printing via a
socket network printer.  I've also been able to print to a socket
printer without setting Classification or enabling any LSPP awareness.

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