[redhat-lspp] FYI: NetLabel patch

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Mon Jul 17 18:55:10 UTC 2006

Daniel J Walsh wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
>>On Sunday 16 July 2006 11:54 am, Steve Grubb wrote:
>>>On Friday 14 July 2006 15:01, Paul Moore wrote:
>>>>For those not subscribed to either the netdev or SELinux mailing lists I
>>>>just posted the latest NetLabel patch, backed against 2.6.18-rc1, for
>>>>inclusion into the 2.6.19 kernel.
>>>All I see is patches 2, 5 , & 7. Should I assume the rest did not change or
>>>did all of the pieces change?
>>It appears that for some reason only parts of the patchset made it to the 
>>SELinux mailing list, however, the entire patchset made it to netdev just 
>>fine.  At this point don't worry about it as it looks like I'll be posting an 
>>updated NetLabel patchset on Monday.
> The SELinux mail list is limited by size, so if it is above a certain 
> size they can be bounced.

It turns out they made it to the SELinux list ... just very slooooowly.

paul moore
linux security @ hp

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