[redhat-lspp] LSPP kickstart config v0.35 released

Klaus Weidner klaus at atsec.com
Thu Apr 12 16:35:42 UTC 2007

Hello all,

new ipsec tools and SELinux policy packages, no other changes.

Changes in 0.35:

commit 5ddf2afc7759b293e3a7edc4b2de923f0eae033a
Author: Klaus Weidner <kw at io2.(none)>
Date:   Thu Apr 12 11:32:38 2007 -0500

    packages: bumped ipsec-tools version

commit fce31a843ba0356840d5d39f8977a7de78d23e9f
Author: George Wilson <gcwilson at us.ibm.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 11 19:34:13 2007 -0500

    Bump policy to 55

Changes in 0.34:

    Fix build issues that were preventing RPMs from being created.
    Workaround for Debian rpm which defines _sysconfdir as /usr/etc/

Please get the packages the script requests in the postinstall phase from
the http://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/files/lspp/ repository.


If the script requires a package that has been replaced by a newer one in
the repository, you can do a quick&dirty workaround instead of starting
over - put the newer .rpm file in /root/rpms/ and rename it to the
expected old name in a "!" escape. If you need to do that, please let me
know what the new version is (preferably as a patch to the
lspp-config/kickstart/src/rpms.lst file, which is the source for the list
in the individual kickstart files).

RPM download:


Git repository:



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