[redhat-lspp] LSPP kickstart config v0.51 released

Klaus Weidner klaus at atsec.com
Thu Apr 26 00:07:36 UTC 2007

Hello all,

this time it seems to be fixed, thank you Dan! Note that it isn't on
Steve's page yet (but should be tomorrow), see below for the link.

Changes in 0.51:

    packages: new selinux policy to fix the unix_update issues
    	RPMs are currently only available from:

    capp-lspp-config: make /sbin/unix_update executable for root only

Please get the packages the script requests in the postinstall phase from
the http://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/files/lspp/ repository.


If the script requires a package that has been replaced by a newer one in
the repository, you can do a quick&dirty workaround instead of starting
over - put the newer .rpm file in /root/rpms/ and rename it to the
expected old name in a "!" escape. If you need to do that, please let me
know what the new version is (preferably as a patch to the
lspp-config/kickstart/src/rpms.lst file, which is the source for the list
in the individual kickstart files).

RPM download:


Git repository:



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