[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 02/05/2007 Minutes

Loulwa Salem loulwas at us.ibm.com
Tue Feb 6 16:14:04 UTC 2007

02/05/2007 lspp Meeting Minutes:

   George Wilson (IBM) - GW
   Lawrence Wilson (IBM) - LW
   Kris Wilson (IBM) - KEW
   Loulwa Salem (IBM) - LS
   Debora Velarde (IBM) - DV
   Michael Thompson (IBM) - MT
   Joy Latten (IBM) - JL
   Kylene J Hall (IBM) - KH
   Irina Boverman (Red Hat) - IB
   Steve Grubb (Red Hat) - SG
   Dan Walsh (Red Hat) - DW
   Eric Paris (Red Hat) - EP
   Lisa Smith (HP) - LMS
   Linda Knippers (HP) - LK
   Matt Anderson (HP) - MA
   Paul Moore (HP) - PM
   Klaus Weidner (Atsec) - KW
   Chad Hanson (TCS) - CH
   Joe Nall - JN
   Ted Toth - TT
   Bill O'Donnel - BO

Tentative Agenda:

Kernel / Beta / rawhide update
     GW: we are still waiting for a few more people
     LK: while waiting, Klaus you took autorelabel out of kickstart script, and
	now I see problems with the labels
     KW: haven't seen those. Apparently there should not be need to relabel
	twice, we should look into why it is wrong in the first place.
     LK: labels on /root and home directory doesn't work
     GW: how do you know it is not relabeled?
     LK: if you relabel, it shows they are being relabeled again different than
	what it was.
     MA: I saw a similar problem with /home directory also
     KW: individual home directories?
     LK: yes
     KW: it uses user management tools. In previous version, it did a relabel
	after that.
     LK: there was a bugzilla where adduser and semanage are two different tools
     DW: how are you adding user?
     LK: useradd
     KW: I need to read docs on that
     DW: use useradd -z <username> and that should get file context correctly.
	what context are you getting on home directories?
     MA: user for ones that should be staff I think.
     LK: I filed bugzilla specifically on /root. I think we are seeing this now,
	because the script used to do autorelabel again and now it doesn't
     DW: how are you relabeling in the kickstart.. using fixfiles?
     KW: fixfile -f
     DW: that might be a problem. I think it does not touch user home directories
     KW: they don't exist at that point yet
     LK: but /root should
     KW: currently it uses useradd then semanage login
     DW: you can't reverse those, but use useradd -z
     KW: how about the -m flag to modify in semanage
     DW: you can use semanage afterwards, the labeling on home directories
	shouldn't affect that. if root directory is not fixed by fixfile then
	restore that directory
     KW: I used restorecon on individual files
     LK: that's what I did as a work around
     MA: can you do that on /home as well
     KW: yes, ok
     LK: should have been created as part of install?
     DW: sysadm needs to relabel.
     GW: alright ... so other issues with kickstart, build or kernel. I presume
	we still need lspp kernel, and we have to force install it.
     SG: yes. from this point you will use lspp kernels. I think there will be at
	least .65
     EP: what do you mean you have to force install it
     LS: it says current kernel is newer than what you are trying to install.
     SG:  I will look at it.
     EP: what kernel were you using originally?
     GW: the latest 01/26 I think
     EP: I'll look at it
     SG: we will have opportunities to build new kernels. we'll clean it up for
	the new patches.
     GW: so kernel, policy and mcstrans are only packages that need to be
     SG: you're talking about snapshot
     GW: release candidate is what they call it here
     SG: I'll get everything into lspp repo to streamline
     GW: I was suggesting we keep list of packages we need
     SG: I was gonna suggest we revise this teleconference to be listing of
	bugzilla. development is finished and we are focusing on bugzillas now.
	if anything new comes up it should become bugzilla to get on the agenda.
     GW: is everyone fine with that
     SG: Irena has a way to track bugzilla and we can collect everything we need
	to talk about. Based on that bug, I'll track what needs to go in the
     GW: do you want to start that today?
     LW: is it going to be tabular format or text
     GW: this is the list that Irena created for us
     LW: are we going to have a list or tabular format
     IB: I'll have a list of bugs. I'll send it Friday night and George can
	re-publish for the meeting
     GW: we'll work from Irena's list and any new issues that people want to talk
	about we can add that.
     SG: there will always be discussion about using the system. I think we are
	at a point now to start going over bugs.
     LK: there is even bugzilla for one just discussed.
     IB: I was thinking we can use partner server for packages. I was looking at
	repository for that.
     SG: when we get close to end, we'll put it there
     IB: ...
     GW: from what I am hearing .. Steve you will provide repo off your people
	page then near the end it will be put on partner site so we can verify
     SG: yes, I started cleaning lspp repo. this week I should be able to collect
	everything and get scripts to automate pushing packages there.

SELinux base and MLS policy update

IPsec localhost, IPv6, 1st packet drop
     GW: I have bug a list infront of me, I can hit some bugs while having this
	discussion. one of them is labeled ipsec does not work over loopback
     JL: I tested with it, regression and stress test went well. Only thing I saw
	was the error message occurred every time an SA had to be re-keyed. I 	
	need to look into why that is happening. Paul won't have time to doctor
	the patch, when I have time, I'll look at it. if I can fix it then I'll
	go ahead and submit to ipsec tools list
     GW: Another issue, problem ssh into lspp system with multiple categories,
	Dan posted mcstransd for that. Also, ipsec drops first packet (bug #
     JL: David miller put a patch and james miller is happy with it. he has v4
	and v6 version for it, so I'll try it
     SG: patch I saw on netdev looked like it had bug in it. looks like he
	created flag variable but not sure if flag got used
     JL: he just posted message
     PM: Steve he fixed that.
     JL: he put updated version in net-2.26 tree. I'll take the patch and patch
	our lspp kernel and see what happens. I don't know if I should test on
	lspp or upstream first
     GW: probably both
     JL: I'll test lspp kernel first and tell him because of priority issues.
	unless I can do both at same time on two different machines.
     SG: let us know and I'll go ahead and get a .65 kernel so everyone can test
     JL: ok, I'll do that
     GW: so is 224637 a duplicate of 225355 (labeled translation causing ssh
	login failure)?
     DW: same problem
     GW: ok, so I'll remove one
     SG: I think Eric Paris found duplicate bug on msgqueue
     EP: don't think they are duplicate, but same patch should fix both issues.
     GW: anything else on networking
     JL: nothing right now. stress test is ok. I tested loopback and labeled
	ipsec with v6. I'll continue from there.

Self tests / aide
     GW: As for the self tests. my approach won't work, what I am thinking is
	having two instances one at systemhigh and another at systemlow and have
	them independently. Anyone has better approach. The runcon approach is
	basically trying to validate context. I can newrole into the context but
	can't get to it non interactively through runcon
     LK: what are you trying to test?
     GW: BLP which is a good thing that it won't let me. I want to be systemlow,
	write a file and verify I can read it at sytemhigh but inverse is not
     LK: does it have to be a file you created. maybe you can be at middle level
	and try to read/write files already existing
     GW: I could do that and have one time setup and create files then execute
	against them. I found that changing levels is difficult. I will have to
	do file setup ahead of time
     LK: when talking to dan about runcon before, he suggested using newrole with
	it. would that work?
     GW: I still need a password
     DW: You could set newrole_pam root_ok to avoid needing password
     GW: I think we don't want to do that though
     KW: I think from evaluation point of view it's ok, we assume trusted admins
     MA: doesn't root_ok only take affect if it is coming from sysadm_r. so it's
	not a big hole as we thought initially
     DW: yes
     LK: what does Joe think
     DW: all the test you are trying to do is 2 different processes running at 2
	different levels can't communicate ... right?
     GW: yes
     DW: I think the bi-level would work
     GW: I was trying to do that
     JN: that seems to work for me, sorry I checked out looking at some patches
     DW: I think we can write policy to have 2 init script to do this
     GW: so you use init to start them off
     DW: have two init, one that transitions to systemhigh and one that stays
	low, and have them communicate
     GW: I think this is what will work. I feel current approach won't work. I'll
	try the split approach then.
     SG: how will they communicate?
     GW: sockets, signals or files. I was trying to make it simple and throw it
	out there for people to see.
     SG: I think if you use abstract namespace then there is no chance of someone
	being able to tamper with files
     JN: can you explain that, I don't understand the abstract namespace
     SG: the abstract name space will only be accessible to the processes only
     GW: unnamed things instead of named things. sockets would work
     DW: I was thinking systemlow opens listening socket and another one tries to
	open socket as systemhigh, and read temp files
     GW: right, if I can get approach working we can test multiple things
     SG: is /tmp going to have problems with polyinstantiation?
     GW: I put them in /var/run .. do you think that is abusable
     SG: I remember the amtu that caused problem
     KW: /var/run is restricted to root, so I think exposure is pretty small
     GW: that's what I was thinking. I'll try that and let people look at it. if
	you have other ways or additional things we can add. The approach needs
	to be fixable. I'll try that. if Stephan is around I'll ask him what he
	thinks about it. Then I have to decide how to invoke aide from that.
	Might have 3 separate tests. it won't be a nice clean simple script as I
	hoped for
     DW: you can do all of them from same initscript
     JN: is this going to run on boot or periodically
     GW: both. to satisfy RBACPP self test requirements
     SG: I think it will be a cron job.
     JN: ok, then cron. is there specific requirements for RBAC or is it open?
     GW: it is open, but I think we should make it useful. basically we check to
	make sure configuration is ok and we use aide to do that.
     KW: I think at lease it needs to check if we are in non enforcing mode or if
	policy is not loaded.
     GW: I'll use aide separately. would it be possible to use init in cron job
	to invoke this, or should we have them as long running processes .. if
	so I need to get timing variables in there
     EP: I think it needs to be cron from what you are saying
     LK: can amtu be there also and you can choose to run it if you want
     SG: I was thinking to have it something that is run on demand and people 
	set it to run as they need.
     GW: it is supposed to be runnable on demand. but also periodically.
     LK: it can be periodic if they want also
     SG: I think that's what amtu does
     GW: do you list a sample cron job for it.
     MA: I don't think amtu lists a sample cron entry
     GW: want to make sure we don't have multiple instances running at same time
     SG: I think there is a locking bug fix to make that work better, but I don't
	think we are protected from database issues
     GW: I have to make sure I don't run multiple instances ...
     MA: there is a built in functionality for the pid files
     GW: yeah, I can use that for sure. sounds like splitting it into 3 parts is
	only workable solution. let me try that and I'll see
     SG: I am confused. we were talking about running on demand and now the
	init script
     GW: I was thinking about using init script in cron job and was asking if
	that is possible
     DW: yes ..
     SG: would it have to be turned on?
     GW: you can run it at boot time.. it doesn't need to be proper init script
	it just needs to be runnable by initscript
     DW: we can write policy to have it runnable by sysadm, so it will have one
	that is at ranges so it can transition to systemhigh
     GW: ok, that sounds even better .. so probably not init script proper unless
	somebody decides they want to run at boot time. I'll take what I have,
	take out aide calls, make it separate test for high and low and that
	should be the basis.. so we want to go down to other highlight on bug
     SG: yes.. there are a couple ...
     GW: crontab man pages reference old environment variables. that's probably
	low priority
     SG: I need to have the repo take arbitrary packages ...
     GW: 223532 ..
     SG: looks like maintainer is looking for direction. I guess he assumes
	upstream has it right. but it was pointed out upstream behavior is not
	correct. he needs advice to see if that is what we need. I think last
	person commented on the bug was klaus kiwi. It is the kind of thing that
	if behavior is not correct, then a patch should be proposed.
     GW: who makes that determination, a team of engineers at RH? what is the
     SG: not sure
     GW: I think it is only a doc fix .. question is do you agree?
     SG: I don't know I would be willing to bet no one notices ACL list unless
	they use it. I am just saying that ...[phone problem started]
     GW: let's talk about bug highlights quickly then before this noise gets
	worse on the line
     LK: I have one quick question. klaus there is still some policy for xinetd
	in lspp policy module is that still needed?
     KW: I need a test to see if it is. I have a another for lspp mode selection
     LK: I am running without that policy module and not sure what problems I
	should be looking for
     KW: we shouldn't need the policy later I think
     SG: there are 3 audit kernel bugs. I was talking with Al Viro this morning.
	he was planning to send a backlog of audit patches to Linus tonight. Amy
	submitted patches for those 3 bugzillas but I was not sure they are
	ready for upstream. I'm wondering what the status is, is she happy with
	them to be upstream
     KL: she is not on, I'll ping here. I think she posted them as untested .. so
	unless someone else tested them I think they may need work. I'll ask
     SG: I have not seen anyone complaints about that.
     EP: I pulled them in and tested and they seem ok, but not quite right
     SG: we have Al's attention to get patches in .21 kernel. I think there is a
	2 week merge window
     EP: yes it is.
     LK: Eric, do you know of any issue with those patches, and does amy know
	about them?
     EP: yes and yes
     GW: I didn't see anything obvious about console login .. I don't think you
	did either Linda
     LK: I couldn't see any debug output for init. I'll try to instrument an init
	to see if it gets the getty and try that
     GW: doesn't init have debug output already?
     LK: I have not seen any. the inittab entry is put before first boot. we only
	see this in lspp configuration
     GW: created during first boot?
     LK: yeah, if I look at it, it is there ..
     GW: are you seeing the right file
     LK: maybe I'm looking at wrong one
     KW: ...
     GW: I plan on reinstalling this week.
     LK: I did a kickstart install using the version I modified to set CAPP or
	lspp mode. The difference is that CAPP mode isn't setting policy and
	polyinstantiation and in that case it worked. I got console login prompt
     GW: but no Avc. well .. I plan to install and I guess I'll look at inittab
	creation process
     DW: use enable_audit.pp file to see if you get any AVC
     GW: you have to load that with -b because it is a base module
     LK: how do you do that?
     GW: look in /usr/share/selinux for that file
     DW: use semodule -b enable_audit.pp to see all the suppressed audit messages
     SG: on irc we were talking on audit -f field not working correctly, so do we
	want patch to fix that?
     LK: we were on agreement that it is nice to have. so if you can backport
	then it'll be good but we don't have a test case to test that.
     GW: I think at some point we need to stop picking up packages unless it is
	data corruption or big problems fix
     GW: we were all in agreement that we like it fixed and we'll pick it up
     KEW: I have no problem with fixes but new functions will break our tests
     GW: yes, we need to start locking functionality
     SG: this is not a functionality but rather a case statement missing which
	caused problems
     GW: this we would like to pick up but as we move forward we need to
	scrutinize what we pick more
     MA: 223894 bug, that seems to require a patch to introduce audit
	functionality in cron.
     LK: Dan did an update for that
     SG: did you work on that one Dan?
     DW: I'll check on cron maintainer and see if we have that fix in.
     GS: so we should expect vixie cron package soon. Until repos are
	restructured, I'll try to keep list with bugs and packages. we can use
	that as basis for discussion
     SG: when bugs change their status to modified that should be removed from
	discussion, because that means it is fixed and on its way to QA
     GW: unless it is not fixed or we see problems. we have to drive our bugs to
	verification status.
     SG: right, I'm saying that because there have been few people asking what
	verified means
     GW: right because they don't map one to one .. like when we close it or we
	change severity, we have to put notes in bug and the mirroring process
	is till being worked on on both sides ..

just FYI .. the annoying noise on the phone line was not coming from your line 
Linda :)

Bugs / remaining tasks

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