[redhat-lspp] Re: kickstart changes to select capp or lspp configuration

Linda Knippers linda.knippers at hp.com
Wed Feb 7 21:16:24 UTC 2007

Klaus Weidner wrote:
>>BTW, this is not in the attached patches but I took the --tries=1 argument
>>out of the wget line in the common-post.cfg file.  It seems a recent addition
>>but here it causes wget to not be able to get the certification rpm.  I had to
>>escape from the script and manually wget it.  Why was it added?
> The problem was that without that argument, it retries 20 times to
> download the file, and pressing Ctrl-C aborts the entire process and
> forces an immediate reboot. That's really annoying if it failed due to a
> network or DNS problem since you don't have a chance to fix that.
> I'll use "--tries=2" this time, is that better? Or is it calling busybox
> "wget" for some reason which doesn't have that option?   (It shouldn't,
> it's chrooted to the installed system.) What's the error output?

I don't recall seeing an error but I don't the output anymore.  I'm pretty
sure it was calling the right wget.  Without the retries option I get a
message that tells me that it was try number 2 that worked.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 36763 (36K) [application/x-rpm]
--14:49:01--  (try: 2)

I don't know what's happening on the first try.  With your 0.18 script I
could never wget the certification rpm without escaping to the shell and
manually running wget.

How long does 20 retries take?

-- ljk

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