[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 02/12/2007 Minutes

Loulwa Salem loulwas at us.ibm.com
Tue Feb 13 00:44:09 UTC 2007

02/12/2007 lspp Meeting Minutes:

   George Wilson (IBM) - GW
   Lawrence Wilson (IBM) - LW
   Kris Wilson (IBM) - KEW
   Loulwa Salem (IBM) - LS
   Debora Velarde (IBM) - DV
   Michael Thompson (IBM) - MT
   Joy Latten (IBM) - JL
   Kylene J Hall (IBM) - KH
   Irina Boverman (Red Hat) - IB
   Steve Grubb (Red Hat) - SG
   Dan Walsh (Red Hat) - DW
   Eric Paris (Red Hat) - EP
   Tomas Mraz (Red Hat)
   Lisa Smith (HP) - LMS
   Linda Knippers (HP) - LK
   Matt Anderson (HP) - MA
   Klaus Weidner (Atsec) - KW
   Chad Hanson (TCS) - CH

Tentative Agenda:

     GW: Irena sent a list of bugs. We'll use tracking bug 224041 that Irena
	opened for us. If everyone can get that bug opened so we can all be on
	the same page. We'll go directly off of Irena's tracker bug. Once on the
	bug, if you expand dependency tree you get the nice list we'll go over.
     SG: there is one thing I wanted to do, as we go through the list, we can add
	a name to who is working on it. All that you have is the RedHat
	maintainer, who may not be the person working on it
     GW: makes sense .. absolutely. Who wants to do the updating
     IB: I can update the bugzilla. just put info in meeting note and publish it
	as well

RHEL 5+ Packages:

Bug List Provided by Irina Boverman Fri Feb 9 13:58:56 EST 2007:
ID 	Alias 	Sev 	Pri 	Plt 	Status 	Resolution 	Summary

211827 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 			LSPP: Can't mount with additional contexts
     GW: this one has been reopened by klaus kiwi in Brazil.
     LK: looks like Dan updated it today as being fixed
     DW: mcstrans is still a bit broken. The problem is we don't really have good
	syntax for it. I sent out an email suggesting what I would like to see
	done with it.
     LK: does this bugzilla need another update saying it is not fixed then?
     DW: we fixed the ssh, the problem now is that the translation is still not
	working. translating multiple categories is a bit difficult. I am
	trying to figure out the best way to code it up.
     SG: Are you saying this bug is mcstrans and not util-Linux related?
     DW: correct. There is bug in setrans that was truncating labels
     CH: it's entirely a translation problem
     DW: it's truncating everything after first comma. the ssh problem and mount
	problem are really same thing.
     SG: we should close one as a duplicate of other
     DW: should really close both and open new bug on translation. these two bugs
	are just reporting a symptom of bad translation. The real problem is the
	translation mechanism. I think the way I understand it it's difficult
	because of all rules we have
     SG: are we gonna close these two and open new one then?
     DW: mcstrans is just broken
     GW: so we need to design new syntax
     DW: if you had left hand side translated, then you return left hand side.
	The curent code looks for sensitivty then tries to translate entire left
	side. if you have a range, it translates right and left sides
	separately. we are trying to optimize it to use least ammount of
	characters and be easy on people filling up the table. I think this is
	better discussed on the list. I will try to write syntax then write code
	to match that syntax. I don't want to have to specially code systemHigh.
     GW: Ok, so we need to hammer details on list. this will affect selinux as
	well as lspp?
     DW: On selinux side we ignore sensitivty so it's not a problem .. that's 
why 	it wasn't caught before.
     GW: ok, sounds like we need to take this off line
     IB: libselinux it's not on the list ...
     GW: these 2 bugs will get closed and new one will open and we'll continue
	discussion on mailing list.
     LS: who's going to take action on this bug?
     GW: Dan volunettered to close other two and open a new one

218386 		nor 	nor	pow 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: labeled ipsec does not work over loopback
     JL: I didnt' have time last week to check this. I'll try this week.
     GW: do you mind your name being assigned to it
     JL: not really, but I don't know who else will work on it. I know the issue,
	I just need to go see if it is someting we can resolve.

     GW: 219611 is currently closed. why is it still on the list
     IB: I'll remove them, sometime is shows up if discussion is still going
     SG: I'd consider those closed.. if there is still discussion it should be
	re-opened. Modified means it has been fixed and still waiting QA review.
220482		nor	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: CIPSO-to-unlabeled TCP connections block
     LS: Paul had put a comment in the bugzilla and I tried his suggestion (to
	try the connection in the other direction). From what I can see which I
	also posted in the bug, the communication doesn't happen as long as one
	system doens't understand cipso and the other does. What seems to be
	happening is that the none cipso system doesn't understand the cipso
	option it's receiving and drops the packet sending and ICMP error ack to
	the cipso system. I thought that was the expected behavior and Paul
	confirmed that. Now I am just waiting for Klaus to say if that is
     KW: I think it's been two separate issues, first there was specific bug for
	kernel not allocating enough memory for the header. This is now a
	separate issue but I am not sure what the problem is. For evaluation
	puprose, it is ok if two (cipso/non-cipso) systems don't talk to each
     SG: what about ability to export data requirement?
     KW: The cipso configured system can reject unlabeled packets which we have.
	From evaluation point of view I don't have an opinion on that
     GW: if it meets the requirement is this going to be acceptable to everyone?
     IB: if it's not a bug it should be changed back to modified.
     LK: well, the original problem was fixed ..
     GW: so is this ok. it's really a RH call
     SG: seems people would want the ability to export to unlabeled medium if
	they want to.
     KW: this problem is only if you have netlabel on.
     LS: Right, the problem is that the other non-cipso system just doesn't know
	what to do. On the rhel cipso system, you can set it to accept or deny
	unlabed packets, so we do have that option available.
     KW: it seems to be that the cipso configured system is behaving as expected
     GW: what does the unlabeled toggle do then?
     KW: tells the rhel5 system to reject the packet if it is unlabeled. but
	there is nothing we can change to make the non-cipso system understand
     SG: seems that it should be bi-directional to not send labeled packets ...
     LS: if you want it to send unlabled packets out you just disable the
	netlabel cipso configurations.
     KW: I'm not up to date on iptables, but could you also set iptables to
	configure it that way, to send unlabeld packets to certain hosts that
	don't understand cipso.
     LK: I think we should post something so paul can see it and respond
     GW: right .. so are we comfortable closing this out.
     LK: I think it is working as expected, or as paul intended it for it.
     KW: I was just looking and there is an iptables option to configure rhel5
	system to stip label based on which IP you are sending to
     GW: good so it sounds there is no issue. this one should be closed.
     SG: who ever is testing this bug should close it
     LS: I can close it and explain we discussed it on this call

223532 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	[LSPP] crontab manpages reference older 
environment variable
     IB: naturally ..
     SG: this should be in modified state as well

223840 		hig 	nor 	All 	NEW 		 	[LSPP] getfacl fails to correctly display all 
     KW: this is actually a very old one. this is not a problem that needs fixing
	for evaluation. The getfacl tool is buggy, but the important thing is
	that the underlying syscalls are working. just tool is buggy.
     SG: we want to fix this once and for all even if it's not required, so it
	doesn't come up again.
     KW: I posted a proposed fix for upstream and they did something else which
	didn't fix it. there are other related bugs in there as well as
     SG: I think the maintainer needs advice on this one. This bug should really
	be in "need info" state because the maintainer doesn't know what to do
	with it
     KW: people need to agree on what behavior they want. The behavior should be
	consistant at least.
     SG: can you update the bugzilla for our maintainer please with your input
     KW: ok
     SG: I think he'll fix it if he knows what we want ...
     KW: I would like the original fix I posted. I don't know if other people
	would like that.
     IB: so does this mean we need discusion for that?
     SG: klaus will update the bugzilla
     KW: I'll add info, but I don't care much since this is not evaluation
     SG: great. I'd like to get this done so we don't get back to it

223864 		nor 	nor 	All 	NEW 			LSPP: Exceptions to expected audit behavior 
should be doc...
     SG: I'm still thinking about that one, and where to put it.
     GW: rhel5 docs is done, so this would have to go in guidance or errata or
	something.. maybe man pages
     SG: if we put it in man pages then every kernel that goes out I gotta check
	to see if it changed. seems to me it might be part of audit docs in
	kernel package.
     KW: for purpose of evaluation, it would be put in evaluated configuration
	guide where all docs that didn't make it in are
     EP: aren't these glibc oditties?
     LK: glibc oddity was documented in library manpage
     GW: weren't there 2 of them I think
     LK: yes, I think they went in different places also, there was the off by 1
	and by 100 hex
     KH: the off by 100 hex is in man page
     GW: so we want to documents this as an exception in guidance and RH can
	choose to pick up later
     SG: it may need to go in glibc. I need to go check on it
     EP: I think James Antill is the one that first looked at this.

223894 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	[LSPP] crontab doesn't report an error when a 
job is to b...
     DW: I put a patch out for that to the cron maintaner.
     EP: I thought you also posted an updated version.
     GW: so that's another pacakage we need to carry.
     DW: I'll have to check and see if I built it.
     SG: it's in rawhide
     DW: I need to build a rhel version
     GW: another package I forgot to mention is the audit package. we need that
	still Steve, right?
     SG: yes
     GW: ok, I'll add those to my list.

223918 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: audit logs bogus obj label in some PATH 
     LK: Amy she submitted patches for some of these
     SG: she retracted them all. We were talking to Al before he sent them to
	Linus, and she said she wants to rework them all.
     LK: she filed 2 more today so I think she plans to get these out tonight or
	tomorrow, since she'll be on vacation after tomorrow.
     SG: we'll put Amy's name next to these audit bugs
     LK: bug 228386 is the ptrace one. I think it's ok to have her name by
	others, but not that one, she is not currently working on it. I think
	it'll be good if someone else takes look at it. there was a question
	about if audit hooks can be put in place of lsm hooks.
     SG: yes, there was discussion on audit list about that
     LK: I suggested we start by asking selinux guys about selinux hooks, but I
	don't think there was anything done since then, maybe we can get Al to
	look at it
     SG: I'll see if I can get Al to help. so we'll assign the audit bugs to Amy

223919 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: audit does not log obj label when opening 
an existi...
     LK/SG: assigned to amy

224080 		nor 	nor 	All 	NEW 		 	LSPP: audit does not log obj label for 
     LK/SG: assigned to Amy

224637 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: Problem SSH-ing into LSPP system with 
multiple cate...
     KH: we are still working on this one actively
     SG: I think that is the same one that Dan was talking about with translation
	strings ..
     KH: is there reason we see very different behavior on Zseries
     KW: comma vs. period thing you mean?
     KH: on Zseries, we don't even see the categories
     KW: that sounds more serious
     SG: sounds like another bug
     KW: is there a test for mcstrans
     DW: I can work on that
     KW: can you make it public, so we can use it as well.
     KH: this bug keeps coming back as fixed and I keep seeing it again
     KW: the low level functionality seems to be broken. so maybe have some
	testing for mcstrans. I think there is little confidence at this point
	that mcstrans works correctly.
     GW: we had another person confirm the fix and that might have added to the
     KH: seems to have been fixed on all platforms but Z
     SG: if the problem is mutated, we should have another bug I think
     LK: sounds like we shouldn't try to re-test until there is new mcstrans
     IB: so this will be closed and some one will open a new bug
     GW: kylie can you open a new bug
     KH: yes
     GW: thank you.

225328 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: ipsec drops first packet when using IKE 
     SG: that one I need to get in lspp kernel. I think patch was accepted.
     JL: steve I was gonna ask for your help on that. I took latest kernel and
	patched it with the patch form David Miller, I couldn't get it to work
	with labeled ipsec first, it just hangs; when I run regular ipsec, it
	work. when I was working with it, it seemed fine, but I ran a stress
	test, minutes into stress test, I get a kernel crash .. I think it's
	crashing in ipsec audit code. it's audit_log_task_context, I am not
	really familiar with that code, so I was gonna ask for your help. I
	wanted to make sure it's not David's patch (btw .. I am using upstream
	kernel), so I just ran Linux-2.6.20 and still got a crash. I'm not sure
	if it's ipsec auditing or because of the call ipsec is making to the
	audit code.
     CH: did you have two problems. labeled ipsec wasn't working correctly then
	a crash?
     JL: I couldn't even do labeled ipsec and I got a kernel crash. Before I can 	
	proceed, I need to fix this.
     SG: so you got oops for that
     JL: yeah, I'll send it to you
     SG: cause I am looking at that code now and I don't see it referencing any 	
	memory it gets.
     JL: me too, I'm clueless at this point. I'll send the oops to you and point
	me in right direction.
     SG: maybe the current...
     JL: part of stack trace was kmalloc and I was wondering about that.. it
	crashes on both kernels too..
     SG: send me the oops and I think we can take over from here
     CH: if you have problem with labeled stuff, venkat can help with that as
     JL: great, thank you both.
     SG: just append it to the bugzilla so everyone can do that
     JL: even if it's an upstream kernel
     EP: yes, just put it there so we can know what's going on.
     SG: we should have separate bugzilla for this also
     JL: Eric, you sent me an email about another oops and David Miller is
	looking at it. He doesn't like the ipsec audit code. I'll take his patch
	and test it. should I open bugzilla for that on lspp kernel
     EP: yes, might as well ..
     JL: as soon as I get those things done, I'll go back to testing David's
	patch. See why it didn't work for labeled ipsec; I am not sure what's
	going on since his fix seems to be transparent regarding labeled or

225355 		nor 	nor 	All 	CLOS 	DUPL 		LSPP: Label translation not reversible, 
causing ssh login...

225443 		nor 	nor 	ppc 	NEW 		 	LSPP: No console login on first boot
     GW: This looks like it was fixed thanks to Linda's work.
     LK: I haven't tested the updated policy
     DW: I might have missed some stuff, so try it and let me know please..

226780 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	LSPP: audit of writes to files of bin_t 
produces no records
     SG: I need to build an audit package and get that for people to try.

227412 		nor 	nor 	All 	NEW 		 	lspp: /root context isn't right on install
     GW: we talked about it a bit last week
     KW: should be fixed in latest kickstart but there were other issues, so I
	need to make another drop. The workaround is manually relabeling those
     LK: klaus, did you see my mail regarding users being set at wrong level.
     KW: yes, I saw that, I thought I tested that explicitly, but might have
	tested the wrong thing. I'll look into it and fix that.
     IB: so is there a workaround for this bug?
     LK: we'll have fix in kickstart script.
     KW: you can mark it "no fix" if you want it out of the bug list
     IB: someone needs to mark it "no fix"
     SG: I'll take care of it	

227733 		nor 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	[LSPP] unable to ssh into a system as 

227889 		hig 	nor 	All 	ASSI 		 	[LSPP] CUPS is printing with Audit daemon stopped
     GW: once I get self tests done, won't this help a bit
     KW: I don't think it is a requirement to meet lspp. if admin stopped audit,
	there is no specific requirement for action to be taken
     GW: I think the issue was explaining it to a creditor
     KW: it would be nice to have function to get status of audit as a library ..
     SG: it asks that given that failure, what should I do? it would be easy to
	make it a library function
     LK: to me the real issue is that most things are audited after the fact, so
	you can't prevent it, whats the use?
     SG: do audit netlink open, see if audit is running
     LK: that's what cups does, but things can happen between when you open
	netlink and when audit is written
     SG: right, but we narrow down the window as a try.
     MA: I think it's a case that would happen when using useradd
     SG: changing hardware clock
     GW: do we need to do anything about it
     SG: klaus said from evaluation point of view it meet requirements.
     KW: if it causes problems when people try to deploy system, that's something
	I don't know about
     GW: Casey brought that up .. right?
     LK: if audit can't audit, we halt the system
     KW: the self test tool panics systems if it's not in a sane state
     GW: I think that is what we wanted to do
     CH: I think we can use the tools to just start it.. tends to make them happy
     SG: yeah, we can do that
     GW: what if it's in a bad state, do we try so many times for example
     SG: if you try to restart audit and there is a problem it'll tell you and
	you can check the return
     GW: is it sufficient to just check auditd status or should a dummy log be
	logged as well
     SG: I think checking the status is probably good enough, since your test
	script will run periodically
     GW: you can have watcher process on audit
     SG: there are people asking about running it out of inittab, it was never
	designed to do that. I'm thinking this over to decide if I should do
     IB: so what to do with this bug?
     SG: I think we can close this as not a bug. this kinda comes back to a more
	general issue, we got those library functions added in, and it was added
	to cups but wasn't used into anything else
     IB: George it was opened by IBM, so should be closed by IBM
     GW: ok, fluery opened this, I'll take care of it.

     GW: looks like dan already fixed 228102.
     LK: I'm guessing this is an issue with how egetty configures the device. I
	verified the behavior on that. George in your case, what do you have
	agetty or mingetty?
     GW: I think it is agetty
     LK: if mingetty it can be an ia64 problem.
     GW: this is an agetty .. maybe you should try that ... I have not tried a
	serial console in a while
     CH: we use agetty also, but I didn't think we had issues, we use in in non
	enforcing maybe
     LK: this is not related to enforcing or not..
     GW: I just tried it on a virtual console but I'll try on real console .. we
	can verify.. I'll post to the bug whatever result I get.

228107 labels for labeled printing don't wrap
     MA: there are other internal buffers that can't handle those longer labels,
	I'm going and finding those, once I have all tracked down and fixed, it
	should be done. I think we'll need to carry a cups as well.
     LK: this is something required for evaluation .. right?
     MA: if labels don't wrap, you can loose info about labels, since it can
	spill off the end of the page. I couldn't figure out why it was having 	
	problems, it turned out there was lots of 1024 char buffers that I was
	passing larger info into.

     GW: Ok, miscellaneous issues, I have not done anything on self tests, I am
	hoping I can do something this week. I may have a trip out of town for
	the next few days. If I make that trip I
	should work on it over the weekend. I am still committed to doing that.
	Other misc issues?
     MT: the issues klaus kiwi had ..
     GW: oh, right .. there were couple of issues, one was chcon issue (chcon
	file at systemlow to s15, and got denied)
     MT: what level was he in? non sysadm can't reclassify info. it's in the
	constraints. you need specific privileges to change mls sensitivity of
     GW: so not strictly BLP but desirable behavior non the less
     MT: because we have the write-equal constraint, we can't do that.
     GW: everybody agrees this is desirable. Another issue was being able to  	
	print to files not to
	network devices. klaus kiwi sent me this ... unable to print to file
	using cups...do we need to support printing to a file
     KW: this is using cups to print to file, usually when users are printing to
	file, they use
	application option and not related to cups. I think it is ok to add an 	
	allow rule for that.
     DW: did they use spool_t
     MA: I think the other problem is that the check is only checking if actually
	allowed to write to char device. allow rule should be $1_lpr_t to allow
	for it to do that
     DW: we're looking for file type, not char file type
     MA: at this time, it's hard coded to be char file. from cups perspective
	printing to file is not important
     DW: what do you mean?
     MA: that has to check the user context and compare it to output device
     KW: what do you mean it assumes it. doesn't cups reject attempts if it is
	not char device
     MA: if avc check fails then cups rejects the job
     KW: if there is sufficient policy in place, would it permit printing?
     MA: yes ..
     DW: I can make policy to make cups do that, the check is a matter of getting
	policy correct
     MA: check as it is currently is hard coded with char file. cupsd should be
	able to write to file even though it's a regular file
     MT: does it have policy permissions to do that?
     DW: I think I need to look at code, I am not following you
     MA: avc-has-perm is using setclass file with char device to setup it's query
     LK: maybe let people know that cups does its avc calls itself
     DW: the way to get around it in policy is to say user has permissions to use
	char file
     MA: in klaus kiwi's setup it seems he will already have output file created
	except for the right context..
     DW: should we fix ..
     MA: there is more than just that to be changed to support printing to a
	regular file
     MT: do we really need this functionality
     MA: I thought we weren't going to do it
     MT: as this is not really impacting anything
     KW: I think this was to test it without having physical printer around, and
	having policy to allow that would be fine
     MT: so we should a hack policy ..
     KW: what you hack up should be shown that it doesn't break system security
	and doesn't make results not applicable.
     GW: anything else that anyone needs to bring up. ok, I'll get something done
	on self test and we'll keep working on resolving remaining issues.
	Thanks everyone.

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