[RHSA-2012:1022-01] Important: jbossas security update

bugzilla at redhat.com bugzilla at redhat.com
Wed Jun 20 16:08:05 UTC 2012

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                   Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:          Important: jbossas security update
Advisory ID:       RHSA-2012:1022-01
Product:           JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
Advisory URL:      https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2012-1022.html
Issue date:        2012-06-20
CVE Names:         CVE-2011-4605 

1. Summary:

An update for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1.2 that fixes one
security issue is now available from the Red Hat Customer Portal.

The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having
important security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the
CVE link in the References section.

2. Description:

JBoss Application Server is the base package for JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform, providing the core server components. The Java Naming
and Directory Interface (JNDI) Java API allows Java software clients to
locate objects or services in an application server.

It was found that the JBoss JNDI service allowed unauthenticated, remote
write access by default. The JNDI and HA-JNDI services, and the
HAJNDIFactory invoker servlet were all affected. A remote attacker able to
access the JNDI service (port 1099), HA-JNDI service (port 1100), or the
HAJNDIFactory invoker servlet on a JBoss server could use this flaw to add,
delete, and modify items in the JNDI tree. This could have various,
application-specific impacts. (CVE-2011-4605)

Red Hat would like to thank Christian Schlüter (VIADA) for reporting this

Warning: Before applying this update, back up your JBoss Enterprise
Application Platform's "jboss-as/server/[PROFILE]/deploy/" directory, along
with all other customized configuration files.

All users of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1.2 as provided from
the Red Hat Customer Portal are advised to install this update.

3. Solution:

The References section of this erratum contains a download link (you must
log in to download the update). Before applying the update, back up your
existing JBoss Enterprise Application Platform installation (including all
applications and configuration files).

The JBoss server process must be restarted for this update to take effect.

4. Bugs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

766469 - CVE-2011-4605 JNDI: unauthenticated remote write access is permitted by default

5. References:


6. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is <secalert at redhat.com>.  More contact
details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/

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