INFO: Architecture is not specified, will try to determine it based on the channel properties of 'fedora_epel-rhel5srvr64' INFO: Setting the OS variant to Redhat, if this is wrong please remove the --redhat option INFO: Server is running API version 11.1 INFO: API version is supported INFO: Authentication successful INFO: User has administrator access to this server INFO: Checking if channel fedora_epel-rhel5srvr64 exists on INFO: Determining architecture for channel fedora_epel-rhel5srvr64 INFO: Detected architecture 'x86_64' for channel 'fedora_epel-rhel5srvr64' INFO: Scanning channel fedora_epel-rhel5srvr64 INFO: Loading errata INFO: Loading XML Update file /var/www/repo/mirrors/fedoraepel/errata-5-64.xml... Can't use string ("1") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/sbin/ line 258.